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Welcome to the Public Education Foundation of Marion County's Portal

Grants for Great Ideas Program

The Public Education Foundation’s Grants for Great Ideas program has awarded more than 1,144 grants to teachers and principals in support of teaching innovation – impacting more than 220,000 students. Over the course of this program, the foundation has given out $1,781,103 dollars in grants directly to our schools.

The Grants for Great Ideas program has enabled us – teacher-by-teacher – to build a community of learners capable of making real improvements in classrooms and schools.

Grant applications for the 2024-2025 school year can be submitted online on this portal. 

Click here for more information on the Grants for Great Ideas Program.

Golden Apple Teacher Recognition Program

The Golden Apple Teacher Recognition Program, developed in 1991, honors and rewards excellence in teaching. Each school selects their teacher of the year, who then participates in the selection process.

Each year, school nominate a Teacher of the Year and Rookie of the Year to represent their school.  Once the teachers are nominated and complete an online orientation, they can submit their online portfolio on this portal, and then participate in the countywide selection process.

Each year five outstanding teachers are named Golden Apple Teachers and become members of the Golden Apple Academy, a growing association of exceptional educators. Of the Golden Apples, one is named as Marion County’s Teacher of the Year at the Golden Apple Gala. The Public Education Foundation also selects the Rookie Teacher of the Year representing the newest educators in our school district.

Click here for more information on the Golden Apple Teacher Recognition Program.

Senior Scholarships

Grants for Great Ideas Program

The Public Education Foundation of Marion County administers a variety of scholarships. Please check listings below for individual scholarships, criteria and deadlines. You can apply for more than one scholarship, but please make note of all requirements and apply for scholarships whose criteria is applicable to you.

Scholarship Donors include corporations, associations, organizations, foundations and individuals who want to create a brighter future by encouraging education. Different scholarship donors have different scholarship qualifications. It is important to thoroughly review each scholarship description and application before applying.

Senior Scholarships open on February 1st for the 2024-2025 year.

Click here for more information on the Senior Scholarships.

Grants for Great Ideas Program

Grants for Great Ideas

What are we looking for?

We award grants based on projects that are substantive in content and have potential to make the greatest impact. The grant application must demonstrate instruction aligned with school and district goals, a measurable educational impact, and the ability to be duplicated for ongoing and future implementation.

Who May Apply?

Because we want to impact as many students as possible, we ask that teachers work cooperatively in the application process. In other words, two or more teachers can develop a grant request. All Marion County public K-12 school teachers may apply.

When is the Application Due?

The deadline is Friday, September 23, 2022 by 11:59 PM

Grant requests must be submitted using this online portal. No applications are to be submitted in person or sent via email. If you are selected as a grant finalist, you will be asked to sign a final grant acknowledgment. Our goal is to announce grant recipients prior to October 15th.

What Programs Areas Are Allowed / Maximum Grant Amount

Funds can be used in seven programmatic:

1. Increasing Graduation Rates

2. Teaching Quality

3. Literacy

4. Assisting Low-Performing Students

5. STEM (science, technology, engineering & math) Education

6. Career/Technical Education

7. Supporting Students in Need (including Mental Health & Wellness Initiatives)

The maximum grant amount is $5,000

How may the money be spent?

Because our grant program is partially funded through the School District Education Foundation Matching Grant Program (administered by the Consortium for Florida Education Foundations), grant money may be spent only on supplies, printing, curriculum, computer software/hardware, etc. Funding will not be approved for food, parties, recognitions, or awards. Projects need to be results-oriented with clearly defined goals.

Unallowable Expenditures

  • Food/Beverage/Entertainment
  • Support of Interscholastic Athletics
  • Capital Improvements
  • Decorative Items
  • Awards/Incentives
  • Fund Raising
  • Pre-award costs
  • PDAs/Cell Phones
  • Repairs and maintenance
  • Out-of-state travel
  • No Overnight Field Trips

Allowable Expenditures

  • Classroom Materials
  • Local Field Trips
  • Program Supplies
  • Computer Software & Hardware
  • Other Equipment (not computers)
  • Printing
  • Tuition/Training/Conferences
  • Admission Fees
  • Room Rental Fees
  • iPads, iPods, Nooks, Kindles

What is the accounting procedure?

A check will be made out to the school and be placed into internal accounts. The school bookkeeper will provide an Account Activity Report at the end of the grant and file a short accounting form at the end of the project and provide proof that funds have been spent on the grant project. Any unspent funds as of April 30, 2023 must be returned to the Public Education Foundation of Marion County. PLEASE SPEND ALL OF YOUR MONEY. Contact Meghan Magamoll at if you need help!

How will the winning grants be chosen?

A committee composed of PEFMC Board Members and/or Community Leaders will review grant applications. Projects are evaluated on their potential benefit to students, the number of students involved, project creativity and innovation, effective use of resources, potential sponsor support and evaluation methods. The review committee will receive blind applications (teacher and school names or references will be removed). This ensures that grant applications are judged on their merit and we avoid potential conflicts of interest.

What is the scoring rubric?

Project Overview (25 Total Points)
  • Is the overview clear and concise (free of jargon and extraneous information) (Max 5 pts)
  • Do you get a clear understanding of what the grant is going to do in the classroom for the school or in the district (Max 5 pts)
  • Does the project come to life (can you create a mental picture in your mind) (Max 5 pts)
  • Does the overview identify high points of the proposal (i.e. why there is a need, what students will be doing, how this project will impact students). Do you get a strong sense of why this project is great (Max 5 pts)
  • Does the grant writer provide data that supports the need for the project and discuss the desired outcomes (i.e., this school year, only 35% of the students who are "at-risk" demonstrated learning gains in math. With the supplemental supports that this project will provide, we hope to exceed that number by 10% in the following school year)? (Max 5 pts)
Project Impact (25 Total Points)
  • Targets more than one group/class of students (Max 5 pts)
  • The needs of students are clearly expressed (Max 5 pts)
  • Incorporates more than one curricular area (math, science, tech, art, etc) (Max 5 pts)
  • Integrates into the total curriculum rather than a single stand-alone project (Max 5 pts)
  • Addresses multiple Florida Standards (Max 5 points)
Project Description (20 Total Points)
  • Activities are innovative and likely to engage students (Max 5 pts)
  • Timeline outlines specific activities and data (Max 5 points)
  • The project can/will expand beyond 1 class to other students/teachers (Max 5 pts)
  • The project and/or learning experience will expand beyond a single year (i.e. It can be replicated next year with limited funding, the skill set learned/practiced will assist students next year, etc.) (Max 5 pts)
Project Assessment (20 Total Points)
  • The evaluation tools are clearly defined and measure learning gains (Max 10 pts)
  • The grant proposal should include how learning gains will be determined (Max 10 pts)
Budget (10 Total Points)
  • All items purchased are realistic and align with the goals of the project (Max 10 pts)

Items of Interest

This is a blind application form. On the first three tabs of the application form, please list the school, teacher names and other identifying information. Please do not identify applicants, schools, or communities on the last three tabs on the form.

If our grant is awarded, is there any other responsibilty other than implementation and evaluation?

Yes, we ask that awardees document their projects with pictures and/or videos. We also may request selected grantees to deliver a short presentation at one of our Foundation Board of Directors meetings. If your grant is selected for a Board presentation you will be notified a minimum of 30 days in advance of the meeting date.

  • Awards are granted on a competitive basis. Please make sure to note the following tips and directions and completely answer all questions during the online submission process.
  • Pay particular attention to not request funds for a non-allowable expenditures.
  • If you are requesting technology (iPads, computers, etc.) you must obtain a quote from the school district. Your school secretary/bookkeeper should be able to help you with this.
  • Check with your school secretary/bookkeeper for a list of approved vendors.
  • Do not use educational jargon or acronyms in your application as not all grant readers are educators. Follow all directions and submit the online application on time.
  • Please make sure you have discussed your grant with your Principal BEFORE submitting the online application to our office. By completing the application, you are acknowledging that you Principal is aware of the grant and they approve.
  • If awarded a Grants for Great Idea, you will be required to submit evaluation reports, documenting results based on the goals and objectives set forth in the proposal.
  • Recipients who do not fill out a grant report by May 15, 2023, will no longer be eligible for Public Education Foundation grant support.

Golden Apple Teacher / Rookie of the Year Portfolio

Golden Apply Logo

Congratulations to the School Based Teachers of the Year and Rookies of the Year for 2023-2024!

Teachers – you will complete your online portfolio on this portal to continue to the next round of selections to be named Marion County Teacher and Rookie of the Year.

Before beginning the online portfolio for Teacher of the Year or Rookie of the Year, please make sure you have reviewed the portfolio questions provided to you ahead of time and prepared your responses.  The information on portfolio questions is included in the Welcome Packet you received via email.

REMINDER FOR YOUR RESUME - Your resume must be typed in no less than a 10-point font, with at least one-inch margins and a two-page maximum. The resume will be uploaded into the online portfolio.

  • Beginning with your most recent, list colleges and universities attended. Indicate degrees earned and dates of attendance.
  • Beginning with the most recent, list teaching employment history, indicating time period, grade level/subject area, descriptions of responsibilities and accomplishments. Identify by county, not by school name.
  • Beginning with the most recent, list any past achievements- academic, professional and personal
  • Beginning with the most recent, list any school or community involvement, leadership or volunteer experience.
  • Reminder: This section should not include your name or your school location. Also, please do not name your RESUME document using your name in the title.
You can work on your online portfolio up until 11:59pm on October 15th.

Grants for Great Ideas Program

Senior Scholarships

The Public Education Foundation of Marion County administers a variety of scholarships. Please check listings below for individual scholarships, criteria and deadlines. You can apply for more than one scholarship, but please make note of all requirements and apply for scholarships whose criteria is applicable to you.

Scholarship Donors include corporations, associations, organizations, foundations and individuals who want to create a brighter future by encouraging education. Different scholarship donors have different scholarship qualifications. It is important to thoroughly review each scholarship description and application before applying.

Senior Scholarships open on February 1st for the 2024-2025 year.



1. Register

Click on the "Register" button and complete and submit the registration form.

2. Login

Login to the program with your email and password.

3. Create

Create your online application/portfolio. 

4. Save

Your application/portfolio can be saved as DRAFT until all the required information is completed and attachments uploaded. As each section is complete, you will see a appear in the category tab when the application/portfolio is saved. At any time, you can download and print your application/portfolio by clicking on the icon in the Application/Portfolio Summary section.

5. Submit

On completion, save your Application/Portfolio as FINAL. Download and print a copy of your application/portfolio for your records by clicking on the icon in the Application/Portfolio Summary section in the right column. Note: If an update is required prior to the deadline, you can make the update and resave as FINAL.

If you require assistance or additional information, please contact the Award Administrator.

Grants for Great Ideas Grants Teacher and Rookie of the Year Online Portfolio Senior Scholarships
Portal Opens August 22rd, 2024 Closed until school nominations are made February 1st, 2024
Deadline October 5th, 2024 April 1st, 2024

Key Dates

Grants for Great Ideas Program
Application Open:
August 22, 2024
Application Close:
October 5, 2024

Golden Apple Teacher Recognition Program
Application Open:
September 29, 2023
Application Close:
October 15, 2023

Senior Scholarships
Application Open:
February 1, 2024
Application Close:
April 1, 2024

Contact Us

Public Education Foundation of Marion County
Thelma Parker Center,
1239 NW 4th Street,
Ocala, FL 34475
Phone: 352-671-4167

Copyright  2024 Public Education Foundation of Marion County  All rights reserved.